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Specialist physiotherapy to get you back to your best.

Our Ethos


We believe integrating physiotherapy, Pilates and strength and conditioning in one location is essential to get the most out of your rehabilitation and training. Employing the principles of strength and conditioning and Pilates to your hands on physiotherapy will ensure you reach your potential and empower you to take control of your pain. We believe in an evidence based approach and patient centered care to achieve the best outcomes for you

Our Team

Our physiotherapists have experience in assisting all types and ages of  patients reach their full potential, from rehabilitating the Sydney Roosters athletes to over 80’s returning to playing golf.

Organisations We Work With


Book online or give us a call to discuss what kind of appointment you need


We offer a complete range of services from general physiotherapy, to clinical pilates, to dry needling and even online physio coaching. Please see a list of frequently requested services below. For a full list of services, please see the Services section in our navigation bar. 

General Physiotherapy

Our Physiotherapists have a wealth of experience treating musculoskeletal conditions. We treat an extensive range of conditions from chronic low back pain to ankle sprains and ACL injuries. We also offer injury prevention programmes to the active individual or those wishing to change their lifestyle for the better. All our Physiotherapists offer an active approach to rehab incorporating therapeutic exercise. We also emphasise educating the client regarding their condition and the latest evidence based treatment approach.







Strength & Conditioning

All our trainers are fully certified and qualified Strength & Conditioning Specialists. We have experience and noted success in training Individuals, Teams, Squads, Junior & Developmental athletes of all levels and abilities. We offer one to one and small group Personal Training to help you achieve your goals. We aim to help transition our patients no longer in acute pain but who are not confident with resistance training independently in the gym. Whether you want to lose weight, prepare for a ski holiday, prepare for a target athletic event such as a triathlon, marathon, cycling race etc. or just improve your golf or tennis game we can help. We use functional training methods that focus on building core strength and retraining movement patterns.










Spinal Physiotherapy

Our physiotherapists have completed extensive training in spinal physiotherapy and have a particular interest in back and neck pain physiotherapy, in particular the diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management of the spine and related disorders. We provide a targeted and non-invasive hands-on approach to treatment, whilst providing a proven rehabilitation program aimed at restoring your body and spine back to optimal function. All therapists have a strong exercise rehabilitation focus and believe that patient self-management strategies are integral to the prevention of ongoing pain related to spinal disorders.



Post Operative Rehabilitation

Physiotherapists are professionals in restoring movement and function throughout the body. Structured pre- and post-operative rehabilitation programs help to restore range of motion, reduce pain, improve muscle strength and mobility.

We can help you recover faster and more comfortably if we begin working together as soon as possible. Some patients may even be able to reduce their post-operative care after physiotherapy. Pre-operative and post-operative physiotherapy can help you get back on track faster after surgery. Our comprehensive approach will give you a head start on recovery as well as an increased range of motion from our targeted exercises, which can also help prevent  post-operative complications such as joint stiffness.










Clinical Pilates

Pilates can help to increase muscle strength and tone, flexibility, coordination and balance. This can lead to daily life improvements such as better posture, efficient movement, and for many, relief from pain associated with physical imbalances such as back pain.

We offer private reformer, as well as private mat pilates sessions. 











Dry Needling

Dry needling is the insertion of sterile single use acupuncture needles directly into myofascial (muscular) trigger points. Trigger points are tight, tender knots within the muscle which cause and contribute to pain within the body. Research studies have shown that inserting such needles into trigger points causes favourable biochemical changes within the body, which help reduce pain. Although dry needling uses the same needles as acupuncture, it is not the same technique. Dry needling is strictly based upon Western medicine principles of treating myofascial trigger points, which are different to traditional acupuncture points. Dry needling can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal problems as the treatment of muscles with this technique can reduce pain mechanisms and break down pain cycles. It is best used in combination with the specific rehabilitation programme as prescribed by your physiotherapist.




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